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Korean Black Bean Noodle

2011 June 23
by Thehousedaddy

Summer is more insane for us than any other time.  Both kids have all day soccer and then we some how got into swim team.  While Virginia and I both love to swim, we were never swim teamers.  This is an every night thing and it goes from 5:45 to 7:30.  Very hard to have dinner ready to go and get in bed in time for a 7 AM morning.  I have been forced to rethink the dinner prep.  I used to be able to put it together when the kids did homework or I could drop them off for piano or soccer and then come back to the house to stir a pot or put dish in the oven.  Now I either have to have it ready to go or minimize cook time to ten minutes while they are in the shower.  This means the heat and eat preparations are making a comeback.

From taco night last week I made a huge tub of black beans.  Tonight the Southwest became the far East.  I put the black beans in a pot and added soy, sesame oil, and mirin.  I made a quick batch of Rice noodles and grilled the last of the local asparagus.  I don’t usually dress the asparagus with more than salt pepper, but to keep the theme going and to give the little guys some help, I put on some toasted sesame seeds, soy and a little rice wine vinegar.  We added hot sauce and quickly had a vegan gluten free feast packed with protein.  A crisp Spanish Albarino was a perfect wine match.  It would also have been great with a beer.

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